Legal matters and data privacy


inndata Datentechnik GmbH,
Amraserstraße 25
A-6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: +43(0)512/362233
Telefax: +43(0)512/362233-9
Company register number: 198640v
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Innsbruck
UID: ATU50193909, DVR: 0957976
Authorised signatory:
Managing Partner: Bmstr. Ing. Otto Handle

Further information about the company: Please click here.

Some of the content comes from the open industry data pool of the European Construction Information System

Parts of the pictures are from

Other content may originate from various sources for which we are not responsible.

We would particularly like to point out that we do not in any way endorse the content to which this site is linked.

In particular, we accept no liability whatsoever for any content that is transmitted from any server other than originate, regardless of whether this content is only accessed via a link or integrated directly into the website.

Data privacy notice

Your rights in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and consumer protection

We take the protection of our visitors' personal data very seriously and comply with both the Austrian Data Protection Act and the German Telemedia Act.

This website does not record any form of personal user data. In particular, no cookies or similar measures are used to create or analyse user-specific profiles.

Cookies are used exclusively for authentication purposes (login to the internal area of the website). This website therefore functions in full even with the highest security settings in your browser.

The website does not integrate any scripts or files from third-party servers or external organisations that could be used for so-called ‘user tracking’. This ensures that your personal data is not passed on to third parties.

This website does not use any third-party analysis programmes and does not forward your IP address to third parties, neither in coded nor in uncoded form.